Sunday, May 19, 2013


Well, it finally happened.  I am NEVER sick.  I think my last cold was about 2 years ago.  All those years of pediatric nursing I have a steel immune system. 

But both of the girls have been sick this past week, and with trying to run two fundraisers, manage the house with Mat being out of town almost a whole week, and just general every day matters, I obviously had a moment of weakness.  So here I am.  It isn't bad.  The worst part is that I have no voice left.  I can hardly talk above a whisper. 

My kids think this part is awesome.

Tuesday is Finley's IEP, so my voice has to be back by then.  I have things I need to say darn it!

But for now - I am trying to stay quiet.  Mat arrived home safely at 1am last night, and it is good to have him back for a few days before he leaves on his next trip.  Next year someone remind me to tell him no trips at the end of May when we are so close to a fundraiser.

This past week was:  Softball game, gymnastics, girl scouts field trip, I worked on Friday, t-ball, softball practice, Kumon, yard work, fundraiser prep, fundraiser get the idea.  Too much in one week.

I am done complaining.  Moving on.

I have been terrible with pictures lately.  Our camera is really winding down its life.  It doesn't take very good pictures any more.  But I did manage a few!

During a rainy, cold softball game, I tried to get some shots of Arlington up to bat.  She is #2 there - in the white:

 I volunteered in Finley's classroom this year, and this past week was my last week assigned.  So the class gave me this sweet gift.  They all signed the back of the award, and the cup is one of those ones you freeze.  Pretty cool:

 Cainan posing:
 Finley looking her normal self - mismatched clothes she picked out herself, and her glasses sliding off.  She is so silly:
 Caught Arlington mid-laugh:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May 19th, 2013

I am sorry you and your family have been sick. It was nice the class gave you that card.
Feel better soon!

Friend, Shayla