Anyway, we had a very nice Easter. The kids woke up at a half decent time and were patient while we pulled it together to see what the Easter Bunny had brought them.

The kids had fun hunting for eggs and opening their presents. We went to church and then spent the afternoon relaxing. Here is some pictures of the kids in their Easter clothes.

Mat finally put the fence around his garden. Hopefully that will keep the deer away. We had a nice Easter dinner. And then the kids watched a movie before heading to bed. All in all, a good day.

Monday wasn't that bad at work. I had braced myself for a lot of stomach aches from too much Easter candy, getting up early after a week off, and just plain old "I don't want to be here" attitude. But all in all - they were well behaved. It was fun to hear the little ones talk about what the Easter bunny brought them and what they did over break.

Today was a little busier at work. The reality that we are in it for the long haul set in with the kids. I started my day with three staight meetings that lasted 3 hours total. Because I was gone for the office so long, the kids came in droves to the office in the afternoon. One kid came in and said that he was just coming in to say hi because he missed me all morning. What a riot. The day went by quickly. Today Mat decided to come home early from work, so he met Arlington off the bus and they took a nice walk in the woods. It was nice to have him home early.

Tonight was Daisy Scouts and then early to bed. Finley has been fussy for the last couple of days. When we went to the dentist they say she was breaking through three of her 4 two year molars, so she isn't handling it well. I hope they break through soon. She is whiny on a good day. Her incoming tooth pain isn't pleasant for any of us.

Everyone is doing well. Not much to report in these couple of days. Finley is into calling me "tato" (her pronunciation of potato). She will say "you a tato" and crack up laughing. I can't explain that one.
Okay - that is all. I am just beat. Enjoy the pictures! I will talk to you on Saturday. Ta-ta!
The kids look great! So glad you had a nice Easter ~ it's fun catching up with you guys :)
To Mat, Idoubt the fence will keep the deer out, we tried everything from "kritter ridder, deer repellent, (from Lowe's) and human hair, which I got from the beauty shop. We ended up with "topsy turvey" planters and have them hanging off my deck.
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