This week was a completely crazy, but fun week. The kids at work were nuts, of course, because of upcoming vacation. Friday they really had ants in their pants and were trying to get out of class for everything they could think of. It surely made the day go by fast.
Tuesday night Mat got home safe and sound. He was in the house around 1:30 in the morning, tired, but safe. Wednesday was an uneventful day all around - our only one. Thursday I had a nursing conference after school. The nurse's and I went out to dinner afterwards, of course. We had to make it worth it! The conference was on delegation - who school nurse's can delegate to and who they can't. It was really great. One thing we learned was the Virginia is really stingy with it's nursing laws - that if you don't have a license in that state, BUT you are on a field trip with students from your state, you CANNOT practice as a nurse. How crazy is that? This doesn't seem like a big deal UNTIL we realized that the Washington DC trip the 8th graders in our district take each year (who take a nurse along) will be going to Viriginia AND that is where the hotel is. That was awesome news. SO - we are looking into that one......
Friday I had a nurse's meeting after school and then we went to one of the nurse's new house which is on a lake. It was a beatiful view. It was a fun time. We talked for hours. We tried hard not to talk shop, and we did pretty well! They are the best group. I am really lucky. I am partial to nurse's anyway. But in school's where we are REALLY alone almost all day, there is nothing like getting together with your "own kind" and bounce ideas off each other, or just laugh at some of the funny stories.
It was rainy all day, so the ride home was really foggy. One of the nurses lead me all the way back to my school (which was a long road) because she didn't want me to drive it alone. Amazing - really. It wasn't even up for discussion. We take care of each other. I know everyone has friends like this - they exist in every circle. But there is just something special about pediatric nurses. We are in our business for a reason. All nurses are caring, but pediatric nurses - their is something different.
The kids are doing well. Everyone is healthy. They had a good week at school. Arlington had a birthday party today at the "Dinosaur Place". (click on the name and you can see what it is all about). She had a great time. She loves being with her friends. I accidentally left the camera in the car. Darn it. But I had a nice time chatting with the mommies there. There really are some wonderful people in our town.
We have another birthday party tomorrow. Then, dare I say it, I think we are off the hook for a little while. I am glad for the outlet for Arlington's energy. She looks forward to going.

Arlington also got her "report card" this week. She did really well. I am really proud of her. The report cards, I guess, are just numbers until they are in 5th grade (correct me if I am wrong, Michelle). So she will just get numbers 1-4 in the areas they assess. So different than when we were little. Although, we didn't get grades in Kindergarten even then. We were judged on shoe tieing, cracker eating, and naps. Just kidding. But I can picture the report card - it was probably 5-6 little things were we got G, S, U. (I am assuming you can guess what the letters stand for). Arlington's report card had about 100 things on it that they assess. I know I am close with that number. PLUS - she got a "grade" in art, gym, and music. It is pretty hysterical.
I had a comment that really bothering me this week about the babies. I don't know why. So, I was introduced to someone new and they were asking the ages of my kids. I told them, and (as usual) they said "oh! You have twins!" Like this is a prize you can win. So, I explain (as usual). The woman said (in a different, disinterested voice) "oh, so you don't have twins". No, I explain, but they are only 30 days apart, so it really isn't that different. "yes it is" she says "they aren't related, so it is totally different". Huh? "Well, " I say (in my adoption protecion voice) "they ARE related - they are brother and sister. And it isn't different. They are still 2 1/2, they are potty training at the same time, they are learning the same skills, they are virtually twins".
I don't know why I let this stuff get to me. Yes, they aren't official twins. But come on non-twin mom's - have you tried raising two kids the same age? Same. 30 days apart does not mean that Cainan is older than Finley. 30 days doesn't mean a thing in their development level. It is equally as hard as having "actual" twins. They will always be together- I will make the same decisions as ANY twin parent when it comes to schooling. People are just ridiculous. When I lived in Florida, a few people gave me some information on a "parents of twins" mom's group that they thought I would like. I thought it might be helpful to hear what other mom's of twins were doing with their kids especially when it came to potty training, schooling, etc. Just nice to bounce ideas off of them and listen. So, I called the number. I explained my situation (because they would have found out anyway). You know what I was told? "This group is only open to people with biological multiples". Sick. Well, it WAS Florida.
So, at least I have my bloggy friend AnyMommy who is in my same boat. I am sure she can sympathize. But just know (all you mom's out there of twins or not) it ISN'T different. Just because I didn't give birth to my two children of the same age doesn't make them any less the same age.

Mat's mom and dad sent the kids a little Easter package that arrived today. They had been busy playing with all the goodies while the power was out. Yes, the power was out for awhile this afternoon. We are having terrible winds and rain today. So, in the sticks - wind = no power.

So that is it. Have a nice weekend and I will write on Tuesday!
The title of your post should have been 'Ignorant People" - seriously, I don't think some people should be allowed in public :-)
Enjoy your Spring Break - especially Wednesday!!!
I can sympathy. I'm sorry you ran into that. Most people are so awesome. I generally start on the defensive and say, oh I didn't carry twins, but it's raising twins for sure, and MOST people say - It's definitely twins! But, some people are just yucky.
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