You are not going to believe this, but I am not talking about Finley. She is both of those things, but this time - she is off the hook. This time, I am talking about this lovely animal:

Do you see my friend there? He (or she, I really have no idea) was very close to our back deck Monday. He caught sight of us at one point, but just kept munching on our grass. He got closer and closer, so I took his picture. That seemed to scare him. I didn't even use the flash, but he must have heard the click of the camera. We were inside, though. Who knows. Anyway, he backed up and started stamping his foot. Then four more of his friends appeared. So great. They ran up onto our property (which as most of you know about 7 of our 9 acres is woods) and found Mat garden. Double great. Mat hasn't fenced it off yet because he needed to do a few more things. I am thinking there isn't much left up there. The deer were there for quite awhile. Brave little buggers. We have seen this "family" of 5 quite a few times lately. I think they need to find somewhere else to play.

Sunday we went to church in the morning. It was Palm Sunday, so Arlington got palms which she thought were the best. Our pastor had made some of them into crosses, and she brought home a handful of those. Finley was excited about the "leaves". The kids wore some new clothes to church - but not their "official" Easter gear:

Sunday Arlington also had a birthday party. It was at a movie theater where, after the kids were served cake and juice, we saw "Monsters vs. Aliens" the kid movie out right now. It was okay. I thought it was a bit violent for a PG movie, but Arlington had fun with her friends. That girl can have fun anywhere. I sat behind her because (sniff) she asked me not to sit with her. She wanted to sit with her friends. I am okay with that. Sort of. I guess I should get used to it.

Monday was my first official day of vacation. It was also Finley's "day home with mommy". She and I dropped the other two off at daycare this morning and then headed to her dentist appointment. She did really well. This was her second visit, so she is a pro. They put little sunglasses on her to block the bright light and she looked really adorable. I wish I had a camera. Her teeth look great. Maybe she has been blessed with my teeth (I don't have any cavities). She got to brush a stuffed elephants teeth which was the highlight of her visit.

After that, we came home and played play dough for an hour:

And then for the next hour, Finley made some pictures with paint and markers. (her mother was watching her the whole time.)

At one point, while doing said art, Finley looked at me and said "look mommy, I am doing craps". I am assuming she meant crafts. But with Finley......one can't really be sure.
We had a nice day, just the two of us. We played, ate lunch together, and she went down for a nap without problems. I did have to wake her a little early to get Arlington off the bus, but she didn't seem to mind.
Finley also made us giggle when she brought me her new stuffed Snoopy that Gramma Pletcher sent her for Easter. She was rubbing his head, and in her saddest voice said "Snoppy is sad because Gramma isn't here to pet him". Guilt trip if I ever heard one. She also asked if - when I said we would be playing play dough (her favorite activity) if Gramma was coming to play with her. Uh, what am I? But she does love her gramma and associates playdough with her.
Today was Cainan's day to be home with mommy. It is nice being able to sleep in and not rush in the morning. And when I say sleep in, I mean 7am. That is sleeping in for our house during the week.

After dropping the girls off at daycare, Cainan and I headed to his dentist appointment. He had a great check up and sat very still. He has always been stoic with doctors. He saw a ton of them in the beginning and has never really been bothered. We are lucky. The dentist took a good look at his gap in his gum and the tooth that is growing there and said it looks fine. Said it won't get any bigger, and since he will be having his bone graft surgery before the next tooth comes in, no problems should come of it. So that was good.
After the dentist was Cainan's evaluation for public school preschool. The speech therapist and teacher came to the house today to do the assessment. It was good/bad news. This is a tough one. I am REALLY glad he is doing so well. Let's start with that. He fell into the normal range for his age in development. He has caught up. That was good news. What makes it bad news is that he is on the LOW end of that normal, bu since it is still technically "normal range" he probably won't be qualifying for the preschool. I am sad about that because the school has no idea how much work it has taken for us to get Cainan to this point. We work with him everyday. Mat has been teaching him colors daily for 6 months and he FINALLY has it. Same with numbers (counting to 10). But, since he can do those things- he passed today. The teacher and speech therapist were really impressed when he said - "I like this block. It has a red car on it". Good job Cainan. They asked him all kinds of questions and he got each answer right. So, we have mixed feelings. He is doing great thanks to a ton of work. But he is doing good enough that the special program we really think he needs is right out of our reach. And with that special program goes his speech therapy for the next two years. (unless we get private therapy which is a whole different hurdle. Trust me. It isn't pretty.) But, we are just going to wait for the PPT (planning and placement team)/IEP to tell us what our options are. We will have that meeting in two weeks. The therapist came up with some different ideas and we are going to do a little research on our own, so time will tell.
That is about it. Tomorrow is MY day. I am looking forward to it. I am going shopping for Easter in the morning, we are having an appraiser come at 12:30 (we refinanced) and then at 3:35 I am meeting with Arlington's teacher to talk about her report card (nothing bad, just felt like having a conference so I could see what we should be working on over the summer). So a busy day.
Have a good rest of the week and I will see you Saturday!
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