Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It was unavoidable

Well, I tried REALLY hard to outlast everyone getting sick. We had 1/2 our school population have the flu. I sent home between 5-8 kids a day with fevers, coughs, etc. The other 4 members of my family were sick with flu or other. I TRIED. But yesterday I started to feel a little yucky. Last night I was asleep by 9!! And today - I am still achy and don't feel like doing much. But hopefully it will just stay a cold and that will be that. Stinking little germisters.

We have started to rake up all the fallen leaves in our yard. This year we decided to wait until most of them were down before getting rid of them. My parents were nice enough to buy us a leaf blower, and that helps a ton. We took the kids outside the other night when the weather was pretty nice, and started to gather up all the leaves.

The kids had a great time jumping in the gigantic leaf pile that we made.

With it getting dark so soon, we only got a small section of the job completed. I did got outside for an hour today, after the medicine kicked in, and spent an hour blowing the leaves around. I didn't get very far. Too....many.....leaves.

The "sick" population is way down at my school this week. Yesterday we were down to 18 absent. And so that is great! And I didn't send a single kid home. I hope that is the end of it, and that it doesn't come back around again.

Tomorrow Finley has a hearing appointment. Part of her LCA diagnosis "workup". She has a hearing test and then will meet with the ENT doctor afterward. I am going to this appointment. I took a 1/2 day off so that we could go. Hopefully all will be well.

Cainan had his 6 month ENT checkup on Monday. His tube looks great! The last ear infection they changed his antibiotic to get rid of it and it worked. She was pleased how it looked and we are happy he doesn't have to have surgery to put a new one in. So we will see her again in 6 months unless problems arise before then.

The kids are busy deciding what they want for Christmas. Arlington is still the only one that really gets it. Arlington is asking Santa for a scooter, walkie talkies and a watch. Finley said she wanted cookies for Christmas. What a weirdo. We haven't started any shopping yet.

I am busy finishing up two quilts. One is for my sister in law who is due to have our newest niece at the end of December. We can't wait to meet her! The other one is a Christmas present, and I won't mention who for since these people read my blog!! But I love doing them. I will take some pictures once they are done.

So that is all. Everyone have a great week and stay healthy!!

Take care! See you Saturday!

1 comment:

Thelongs said...

I sure hope that you feel better soon! It seems to be impossible to avoid no matter how much hand washing you do!