May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content with yourself just the way you are.
Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
My nursing supervisor sent the above to me one day at work. I just wanted to share it.

Sunday was full of busy work. Mat entertained the kids in the morning while I cleaned the house and got everything ready for our work/school week. I hate that I have to spend almost the entire weekend doing laundry and cleaning when I would much rather be playing with the kids and doing fun things.

After the babies went down for their nap, Arlington and I started work on her “Star of the Week” poster for Kindergarten. It isn't due for a couple of weeks, but she couldn't stand to wait any longer. So I let her at it. My job was to tape down the pictures and help her spell some of the words. Arlington's poster is......busy. It looks really great! She is a very creative little girl, and went to town on her poster. We are just waiting on the center picture and then I will take a picture of it for you to see. We worked on it for a few hours, and now we just have to work on her presenting it, which we will do a little closer to her presentation day.

Once Arlington and I finished working on her poster, we did a little reading and then went to run a few errands and pick up dinner. We all spent the evening in the playroom and I was tired when the night was finally over.
Arlington and I had a conversation on Sunday while we were riding around. We were talking about how people got around before cars. Her guess was cows. She was close. Somehow after talking about horses and how they are pretty fast, she thought about cheetas.
Arlington: “cheetahs are fast”
Me: “yes they are”
Arlington: “why didn't people ride around on cheetas?”
Me: “because cheetahs would have eaten them”
Arlington: “oh yeah. That would have been bad”
Me: “uh, yeah”
Arlington wore this hair accessory to school on Tuesday from her Aunt Tricia. (check out Tricia's blog and our super cute nephew at her blog: Kovall Family)

Isn't it cute?? She loves it.

Looks at this boy's messy face:

Cainan said something cute this weekend as well. He was sitting at the little play piano we have and Finley, of course, came over to sit on the bench too. He didn't want her there, so he said “Finley, scooch”. Scooch! It was too cute. Cainan also has had serious cases of the giggles lately. He laughs all the time and will crack up at just about anything.

The school week started out well. Monday was a rainy, dreary day and that rain turned to a little bit of snow. Just a dusting, thank goodness. It would be nice if we could be done with big snows for the season. The kids behaved pretty well on Monday. I had one of my frequent fliers come into the office on Monday for an ice pack. She had a cut on her head from the weekend – completely healed. It was “hurting her”. So, I gave her the ice pack. She returned 10 minutes later – ice pack still cold.
Me: does your head feel better already?
2nd grader: no – I just don't want the ice pack
Me: okay.
2nd grader: it is freezing my brain
Me: good to know.
Kids are so strange. I had one kid today want to get out of math so he pretended he was dizzy and started swaying in his class. His teacher was nervous, so she brought him down. I ran through our neurological assessment and had him lay down and rest. I was meeting with another teacher and every once in awhile would glance at him. He was fooling around, of course. After 10 minutes, I had him sit up. We started talking about the standardized tests (he is a 3rd grader) and he was acting appropriate. Then every once in awhile he would tip to the size and lay down. This not being my first day as a nurse, realized he is faking. So he says:
“I just can't stay upright”
Me: “I think it is because you are fooling around. Am I right?”
Faker: (looking at the ground): “yeah. I am”
Me: thought so – let's go apologize to your teacher.
Faker: how did you know?
Me: I know everything.
Little stinker. This happens at least once a day to me. I still find it funny that they are surprised when we figure out their little charade.
Tonight was Daisy Scouts for Arlington. Once again my frustration with her troop leader came out. We get there and all the helpers (the high school girl scouts) are all dressed in fancy dresses and have crowns. Not one little girl is dressed in a costume. Arlington starts tearing up because she knew this party was coming at SOME point, and she thought her less than stellar mommy had forgotten. I had NOT – I assure you. I have more forgetful moments that I used to, but usually we receive an email on Monday before a meeting as a reminder of this weeks troop stuff. This week we didn't, so I assumed we didn't need to bring anything. The girl scout leader says (to me) “I sent an email and didn't get a kick back, so you must have gotten it”. I look around. All the moms are shaking their heads. I say “no – we didn't get an email this week about scouts”. The troop leader didn't believe me, but she also didn't say anything else. But not ONE girl had a dress up costume on, so that should have told her SOMETHING. Ugh! If this troop leader is going to be her leader next year, we will not be doing Daisy Scouts.
So that is it. I am going to finish my yummy Shamrock Shake from an undisclosed fast food joint, and call it a night. I hope everyone has a great week and I will see you Saturday!

Yay! I'm so glad Arlington likes the butterfly hair thing - it looks great! Someone in the family has good taste....
Scooch - good word, Cainan :-)
I absolutely LOVE that quote. Do you care if I share it on kidz?
Of course your kiddos always make me smile! Love the bow and the messy face pic too! =)
I love the saying at the beginning of your blog.
It's so fun to see what kids are going to say- you just never know!!
Um, is that McDonald's St. Patty's day shake?! :) Glad you all are having a good week so far!
Hmmm. I might like to try riding a cheetah.
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