This week Arlington is “Star of the Week” at her school. Do you like her poster? It is so busy! We had to practice what she was going to say about it several time because it is so busy. She had a great time putting it together. I am not sure what all Star of the Week entails, but I am sure Arlington will let me know as the week goes along. But I am proud of her and her work on her poster and “speech”. She did a great job!

Sunday Arlington had a birthday party for a friend in her class. It was a Mad Science party. She had a great time. It was a small party and the kids all had a great time there. I had a chance to chat with some mommy friends during the party, which is always fun. Arlington has a ton of parties of the next several weekends. She has a party every weekend until the second weekend of April - one weekend there are two! 5 parties in all. But it is fun - she looks forward to spending the extra time with her buddies.

The babies are doing great. Super silly as always. Cainan has a little cold but other than that, they seemed to miss whatever was going on with Arlington, thank goodness. Not much to report on the two of them. They haven't been fighting as much lately, so that is a big plus. Maybe it will continue. I doubt it.

Today was a busy day at work. I am sad that I am saying that a good bit lately. Another case of strep (oh, and Monday - three teachers with strep and one more student). It is getting slower, but I still wish it would stop already. The kids are maniacs. Spring fever is hitting them hard. Tomorrow, thank goodness, I have a nurse's get together. We are getting together at one of the nurse's houses to enjoy some sunshine (yes, we are having some) and each other's company. It will be nice to be with people who understand you for a day. I love my teaching staff, but I do miss - somedays - having another nurse in the same building. Someone else to roll eyes with me when a kid comes in and tells me (at 3pm) that she has something in her eye that has been there for 4 hours. (no, there isn't anything there). Or someone else to giggle with me when a kindergartener says something cute ("my mom told me I may have this cold for
years"). So these dinners are fun.


Mat did get a new job at Pfizer and is pretty excited about it. I am not 100% sure of what all it entails, but he got asked to apply for a position in a new group that is starting, so he did and he got the job. He is very excited about his promotion and new adventure. I am proud of him! Although, I do hope this new job means LESS traveling. This spring has been crazy - he is gone almost once a month for one thing or another. He has two trips left, and then hopefully he will be done for awhile.

Tonight was disorganzied Daisy Scouts. Arlington still enjoys going, so I should stop calling it that. But I can't help it. It seems that tonights fiasco was that they lost one of the girl's envelopes of money from selling girl scout cookies. So not good. But - they did make up boxes to send to the troops overseas, which was really nice. Arlington said they put baby wipes in the box "to wipe off all the sand". So cute. I am so glad they can send yummy girl scouts cookies and a few gifts of "home" overseas.

Okay - I know the post is short, but not much new is happening in the short period since I left you last. Arlington is reading some new books. She tried the series "Magic Tree House" but she didn't really love it, so wasn't that into reading it herself. So we have moved on to some new books that a 1st grade teacher at my school gave me to give to her. I think she will have more success. It is so fun to see her read. I wish we had more hours in a day together to sit and read. I am looking forward to summer where we aren't so hurried.
Have a great week and I will see you Saturday!!
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