Sally has a better picture of "M" and Finley, but I thought this was pretty cute. We asked them to pose for a picture.

Cainan and "G" were dressed almost identical in their swim clothes. Here is "G" finally sitting in the sand. He wouldn't put his feet in it, but at least he sat in it for awhile.

Finley built a little sandcastle. Can you see it?

It was most of a sand mound. But she was very proud of it. She dug up a crab claw that she found in the sand, and used it on the top of her sand mound so we would know where it was:

She is pretty gross.

Cainan had a good time playing in the sand. He doesn't like the water, so he never really left the blanket area. But he was entertaining himself the whole time.

Like I said yesterday, our nephew was not a fan of the beach. He mostly clung to Mat's mom and didn't want much to do with any of it. But he did eat some snacks! He wanted Mat's mom at one point, but didn't want to leave the blanket to get to her. He took one step off the blanket into the sand, cried, and immediately stepped back on the blanket. We knew then we would always know where "G" was while we were at the beach!

This last picture is of Cainan making nice with the dog. He really didn't like Lucky much the last time they met, but yesterday he held his leash and walked him around the house. So I took a picture as evidence.

So it was a really fun day yesterday. Today is Finley's 3rd birthday! At 1:58pm in 2006, our little munchkin was born. She was the best baby - always quiet, and just ate and slept. I should have known that she would turn into trouble sooner or later!
Today we had another fun day - the kids played outside all morning. We blew up our swimming pool and bounce house, and they spent hours going back and forth between those two. Then they played in the sand box and on the playset. We had lunch outside on our new patio furniture and then the little ones took a nap. Finley also opened her birthday presents today. Tonight we are going out to dinner to celebrate Mat's parent's wedding anniversary (which was yesterday) and Finley's birthday. Tomorrow I will post pictures of last night and today's activities so look out for those!!
Here are a few more beach pictures. Enjoy!!
Happy Birthday, Finley!!
Happy Birthday, Finley! We are excited to see you on Tuesday :-) Be on your BEST behavior for Uncle AJ, otherwise you won't be getting any more cousins from us! No pressure :-)
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