
Missing from this photo are Mat's Aunt Betty and Grandma who were there with us. If you were counting and didn't get 19....
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday last week at the lake:
I forgot to mention that Monday night we had a yummy, Hawaiian style meal prepared by my SIL Jess and her husband Tom. It was great! She set the bar high for the next time we go to the lake! She themed it with decorations and music, and lais. It was a lot of fun. The kids even got to wear grass skirts. Dumb camera - I don't have any pictures!
But the next time we go to the lake, we thought it would be fun to do theme night every night, so thanks Jess and Tom for the idea!
Tuesday we went minature golfing in the afternoon. I think. The days are all starting to run together. We picked the hottest day of the week to attempt this. Who went - Mat, me, Arlington, Finley, "M", Jonathan, Teen, Frank, Sally, Ben. Everyone else stayed home. We went in the afternoon, and we didn't take Cainan just because that boy still loves his naps. Finley can take them or leave them these days.
We had a good time golfing. The girls were really well behaved. I was worried that Finley might get bored, but she never did. She hit the ball at every hole, and sometimes I helped her. She even got a hole in one! She was not in love with the last hole were her "ball was gone forever", but she didn't cry. (I warned her before hand. Being a "seasoned" mommy has taught me a few tricks) Sally, me, and the three little girls were on a team (not keeping score of course), and the other adults had their own team. We spent a few hours there, got a quick drink, and then went and bought our new camera.
We had enough of not getting many pictures on our vacation, and bought a small Sony CyberShot to get us through the remaining days until we could get home and send our camera in for repairs. It isn't as great as my SLR, of course, but it did the trick. Plus it will be nice to have when we go to amusement parks and such.
Anyway, after Golf, we came home and relaxed. Tuesday night I want to say was Frank and Teen's night to cook and we had a REALLY yummy stir fry. It was really delicious. I really need to learn how to cook.....
Wednesday - this was jet ski day. This is another favorite among the family. The guys REALLY love it and a lot of the women do too. We spent the afternoon riding the jet skis. All of the kids got a chance to ride, too. Finley loved it. She rode, of course, with Zac. Arlington got on with anyone that would take her - even got up to 50 miles an hour at some points.
Thursday - our last full day at the lake. It is always sad to come to this day. We spent part of the day packing and getting things together so we wouldn't be rushed on Friday. Mat and I were in charge of the meal on this day, and we did breakfast instead of dinner. We made pancakes with all kinds of "fixings" for our breakfast. It was fun.
We mostly relaxed during the day Thursday. Mat, Jess and his mom and dad did some house hunting in the area for our "own" lake house while the rest of us hung out at the house. Carrie, Jonathan and I were in charge of the 6 rugrats while they were gone, so we let them have a picnic lunch and watch a movie!! Worked out great. :)
Thursday night we ALL went out to dinner - all 19 of us. The restaurant probably loved seeing us pull up. But it wasn't busy, so it worked out great. We had a great time and all the kids behaved nicely. It was a great way to end the week together.
There are a ton of pictures below. I still have ONE more post to wrap up our vacation, and I will do that tomorrow! I promise!!
Enjoy the pictures!
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