I can't seem to locate the picture of him with Mat holding him.
Anyway, here he is today!
August 13, 2009

My has he changed. Not only in physical appearance, but emotionally, and socially as well. When we first met him, he only said "eh". His cleft lip and palate were still unrepaired. He drooled, he didn't walk. He didn't even crawl. He stood if Mat leaned him against something. He scooted on his backside to get around.
When he got home, he was thrown into a mirad of doctor's appointments, visits from family and friends, and becoming a member of a family. He had 6 surgeries the first year he was with us. He started speech therapy. He started daycare.
And we saw him blossom into a great little boy. He started speaking, and crawling, and then walking, and then talking in sentences. Now we can't get him to be quiet or slow down!
He is an amazing 3 year old little boy. He is calm, and sweet. He is inquisitive and laughs easily. He loves his sisters with all of his heart (even when they are picking on him). He fits so well into our family that it is like he was always with us.
Two years have past, and we are thankful to God that we have Cainan in our family. We are the lucky ones that get to spend the rest of our lives with him as our son.
Happy Gotcha Day Canan!

If you would like to leave Cainan a little message on his special day, please push "comment" below and do so!
We love you so much, our favorite nephew! We are so happy to have you in our family and are amazed at how much you have learned and grown. We say it all the time, but you are, without a doubt, the best behaved child in the family :-)
What a wonderful story, he's changed so much. Happy Gotcha Day, darling.
Cainan - What a wonderful little boy you have become. You and your family are so lucky to have found each other. Have a happy day!
love Larry and Marge
Cainan - What a wonderful little boy you have become. You and your family are so lucky to have found each other. Have a happy day!
love Larry and Marge
Dear Cainan,
We are so proud of all the things you can do. We especially like to hear those words "Gramma" and "Pappy". Our family would not be complete without you. All our love. Gramma & Pappy Pletcher
Dear Cainan,
Happy day to you. We are very proud of all the things you do. We especially love to hear you say the words "Gramma" & "Pappy". You have a very special place in our family and always will. Love you lots, Gramma & Pappy Pletcher
What a wonderful story. He is blessed to have such a wonderful family. God bless you!
Cainan- it just makes our hearts so happy to see how much progress you have made. When you see us now and run up to us saying "Grammy and Papa" and give us hugs it makes us so proud that you are our grandson.
We love you- Grammy and Papa
Oh Jennifer! Just catching up on your posts and LOVE this! Tears are streaming down my face. I remember when you told me that GWCA had called you and you didn't know why. And then you sent me a note telling me able Cainan's file arriving there. Amazing! You are one truly blessed mama! He has grown so much and is so handsome. Happy Gotcha Day!
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