We are jumping for joy in our house. Arlington's allergy test came back NEGATIVE for allergy to peanut and egg! We are FREE baby! She immediately came home from the test and wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich.
Which......she hated. Ha! If figures.
She did say she wanted to try the sandwich again, so we will try again. Someday.
She also has had scrambled eggs.
Which......she also hated.
She is probably thinking - all this time and THIS is what I have been missing? Really?
She did have pie. She loved pie. And she had her first birthday cake since she was a year old. (her own party was the last time she has had cake) 5 1/2 years - no cake! Can you even imagine??
The girl is kiddy with excitement about her new found freedom. I look in our cabinets and can't believe that she can eat everything in them. No more reading labels or watching her like a hawk at every function. Freedom tastes good.



Finley is not allergic to eggs any longer either! She also had scrambled eggs, and pie. She loved both. She is still allergic to nuts/peanuts, but hopefully in a few years she will follow in her sisters footsteps and we can put one thing behind us.
Happy dance, happy dance. Birthday parties just took a step up in our house!
Finley and Cainan started preschool this last Wednesday. We moved them to a new school this year, and so far it has proven to be the right choice. They are in separate classrooms. Here is a picture of them standing outside of their school.

Where are their bookbags and cute outfits you say? Well.......this isn't their first day of school. Or their second. I took this on their third day. Yeah, I am a little slow with remembering to take my camera with me where I need to.
But, at least there is a picture. I should get some credit.
I took a picture of the kids standing outside their classroom. Here is Cainan. He is in Preschool Two. (there are 4 total)

Here is Finley. She is in Preschool One. Her picture is a little fuzzy because Finley doesn't stand very still. And she was anxious to get inside, so I didn't push the "perfect picture" issue.

They are enjoying it. Finley hasn't gotten potty at school yet. And when I say she hasn't gone, I mean she hasn't used the bathroom THE ENTIRE DAY. She holds it for 8 hours and them comes home to use the bathroom. She is just like Arlington. I wish I had her bladder.
Finley has always hated public bathrooms, and until she becomes comfortable at school, she apparently isn't going to go. She is a nut.
Both the kids have journals that the staff are keeping on the kids. It tells us all about their day/week, and there are pictures in it. It is really neat - I love it. They also have the kids practice "signing in" each day. Finley's name mostly looks like this: llllllll but you know - she'll figure it out. Eventually.
Or, true to Finley style - she will talk another child into doing if for her.
Arlington had a birthday party today. We have been to so many and believe it or not - not one repeat! Today's was at a farm where Arlington and her buddies got to pet animals, and ride horses, and got their faces painted. And of course, there was cake. She had a fabulous time and was a really good girl.
Her mother forgot to take her camera. Please tell her mother that she needs memory pills.
My parents also arrived today for their week long stay. They came to watch Arlington while I work next week.
The babies got a piggy back ride from Papa.

Giggling all the way

We had a cookout, and enjoyed the breeze.

This kids played after dinner in the yard, and then we went to our local ice cream place for some yummy treats.

So that is all for now. A very successful week. I am hopeful that next week, at Finley's eye appointment, we get equal good news like we got this week.
Finley says goodnight. Chicken style.

See you Tuesday!
Hi guys - so enjoy reading the posts - yea - for the birthday cakes - grammy can make lots of cookies now!!!!
Still in our prayers for Finley - you know we love you guys and are here for you!
Yay! Let the good news continue :-)
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