Saturday, June 5, 2010

More birthday and a busy Saturday

We are trying to hit a record for the most things one kid has to do in one day. At least it felt that way.

But before we get to that, We have finally wrapped up Cainan's birthday celebration.

My parents and Mat's mom arrived Thursday night to help celebrate Cainan's birthday. It is nice to have company.

The kids are beyond excited to have their grandparents here for the weekend.

Friday we let Cainan open the rest of his presents. He received a large amount of really great loot.

Here are some pictures to prove it!.

After he opened his presents, we went out to a nice dinner at a restaurant we have never tried before.

The food was good, but the service was terrible. The waitress was more interested in flirting with a young waiter than waiting on our table. The word "wait" was in the sentence way too many time. Kind of interesting since that is all we did there......wait.

Today - we started our busy day by reading some books before we got started.

And Cainan showed off his new Iron Man costume.

After that, we went to Arlington's softball game. The team did pretty well, but it was really hot, so it wasn't their best game.

Immediately after the game, Arlington came home, changed clothes, and headed to her friend "O's" birthday party. It was a little all girl party this afternoon, and she had a blast.

THEN - after the party, she came home, changed AGAIN, and then we left for a ceremony for her enrichment program that she has been taking this past year.

She had made honor roll, and was getting an award, and we were really proud of her! She has worked really hard this year, and her hard work really paid off.

Here she is with her friend s"J" and "J". (ha!) "J" the boy also made the honor roll. "J" the girl was REALLY close and will probably make it next time.

We all went. We had to dress up. It wasn't a long ceremony, and the little ones were easily entertained with snacks and toys.

Arlington's teacher, Seema, is there on the left. She talked to at the end of last school year - was impressed with Arlington's abilities and asked her to join her program.

She got awards in both reading and math. She has worked really hard and it paid off!

She is going to take the summer off, but will probably continue the program next year.

She was so excited about her trophies and pin. That girl loves getting trophies.

We also bought her flowers. And her brother and sister wanted to get some trophy action.

She had her picture taken with Mat's mom. We were so glad that she was able to come this weekend.

And she had her picture taken with my parents before we headed off to dinner.

So a busy, yet fun weekend. My parents and Mat's mom go back home tomorrow. We are going to church and then spending the day in the yard. There are two whole weeks of school left, and then we are done for the summer! We can't wait!!!

Enjoy the warm weather!

1 comment:

The Kovalls said...

Congrats to Arlington :-)