Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Last catch up post

Okay - this should do it!  I think.

What is happening here:

The first graders had a "parent visit" day where we got to see what they have been up to in class and then eat lunch with our kids.  It was a lot of fun.  My dumbo camera is got one foot out the door, so the picture is bad.  This is Finley and her bestie "L":

Arlington helped me put name labels on over 200 race packets.  Was she thrilled?  No she was not.

Arlington had her chorus concert the week of Finley's race.  My parents were in, so they had a chance to go, which was great:

Finley bridged from being a crazy Daisy in Scout to being a sweet Brownie.  She was so excited:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very cool, I am happy to hear that!!