Monday, September 2, 2013

I've Got a Brand New Pair of Roller Skates

Well.....not really.  But it is a cute little diddy of a song, so I thought it would make a good title.

Today we took the kids roller skating.  We got several times a year, and the kids love it.  Finley has been asking to go for weeks, and today was a good old fashioned rainy day.  Perfect day for a skate.

Plus we found out that our favorite skating rink was running a special.  For $8/person today we got to skate, got skate rentals, unlimited pizza and sodas and laser tag.  Pretty sweet deal.

So here are some pictures from our day!  Enjoy!

Cainan is still not steady on his feet.  He has to use a walker to skate around the rink.  He reminds me of a little old man with that thing:
 So hot and tired from skating all afternoon:

Finley is a maniac (shocker) on the floor.  Mat has to chase her.
 Finley showing her love for WVU!:

Arlington has gotten really good.
 Here comes little man!!  Trucking along:
Taking a break.  Skating is hard work:
 A final spin around the floor before we go home:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

September 3rd, 2013

