But no matter, I only saw 10 (yes you read that right) kids the WHOLE DAY. 10!!! That is truly a record for me. It was the way the teachers said thank you in a big way. Unless the kid was dying, they stayed in class. I got a poem read to me by the third grade and then they gave me a copy which they all signed. One class - each kid made me a card with words and pictures. One class made me a cup to put my pens in (my other one was broken) and they all signed it. Almost all the classes came by to wish me happy nurse's day. The first grades made me a booklet that was hysterical and sweet. Each page told me why they were thankful for me. A lot of thanks for ice packs, bandaids, water bottles, cough drops, candy..... That book was great. A got a box full of cards from different kids. Parents called me all day to say thank you. I got a potted plant from PTO. The teacher's got me a great beach bag and cooler. The secretaries bought me candles. My principal is taking me out to lunch - just she and I - next week. The best present though was from my toughest case this year. My little school phobic girl who has really turned a corner. Her mom brought me in gift cards for movies and dinner out in unbelievable amounts. She wouldn't take no for an answer.
I was floored - and humbled - by everything. I was teary by the end of the day. Little old me. To me, it's nothing to do what I do every day. But today - it meant everything to be treated with such kindness. Every staff member in my building stopped by to wish me happy nurse's day and say thank you. It was too much.

I was glad my grandma and dad got to see her in action with swimming and T-ball. It was fun for them. Especially the T-ball which is fun for everyone. It is hilarious. The kids are getting better, but not less funny. Arlington today was making sand pictures while she was in charge of 1st base. It gets a little lonely standing my the base when no one is around to throw you the ball. So, she was drawing in the sand. Then she would perk up when the ball was hit. When nothing came her way - back to sand art.

Thursday was back to normal at work. I had a really long meeting in the afternoon with a really difficult parent, and then I saw my school phobic who proceeded to tell me all the reasons she will never ride the school bus. Ah, back to normal. One teacher told me that I really need to claim the whole week next time - not just a day.

Thursday Mat also came home from Sacramento. We were glad to have him home with us safe and sound. He was tired from his trip. I am sure he will be adjusting to the time change for a few days.

Friday was a full moon. Need I say more? I didn't think so.

Although on Friday one student brough me a beautiful flower for "almost mother's day" because he knows I have kids. It was very sweet. Here is the flower:

Isn't it pretty? What a sweety. Made my full moon day almost worth it. Almost. I had a kid come to my office and with him he brought his imaginary friend Socco. Yep. It was that kind of day.

Today was supposed to be soccer practice, but due to more rain, it was canceled again. Arlington did have a birthday party today. It was our neighbor "K's" 6th birthday. The party was really great and Arlington had a great time. At the end of the party the kids played charades before going home, and Arlington - having never played before (she is so sheltered) decided to impersonate tree bark. Yeah. She didn't really understand the game. But after a little explanation, she got the idea.

Tonight we went out to eat for mother's day. We figured tomorrow would be nuts in the restaurants. So we went to the Olive Garden (boring, I know, but my favorite) and then I got to pick some beautiful flowers to plant in our yard for this year. Happy Mother's day to all of the mother's out there. Especially to my mother and mother in law who are beautiful, strong, funny and sweet. You are the two best mothers in the world and I am lucky to have you both.

Lastly, my family asks for your prayers on Monday. My father-in-law is having quadruple bypass surgery. A week ago he was having tests for cataract surgery and his EKG was abnormal. This led to a stress test he didn't pass which led to a catheterization to see where the trouble was. They found significant blockage and he needs the bypass. So please pray for gifted surgeon hands, his well being during a long surgery, and a fast recovery. He is going to do very well, I just know it. But your thoughts are appreciated.
I will see you Tuesday.
Happy Mother's Day, Jen! You are an amazing mom - I don't know how you juggle it all. Thanks for always being on hand when I had questions.
Keep us posted on Ben. We will be thinking about him!
Your dad is in my thoughts and prayers today.
Happy Mother's Day a day late! Sounds like your Nurses week was hectic, but rewarding.
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