But that is besides the point.
Arlington started her spring activities this week. She has been loving it. Tuesday was her first T-ball game.

I use the word "game" loosely in this case because they are 4-6 year olds. Here is the scenario. They line up all the kids between the first base and third base line.

So cute, right? And they all stand there, and a kid hits the ball off the T.
Here is Arlington demonstrating her skills.

Yeah, she missed.
But she did hit is most of the time.
The kids then run and tackle the ball.

And each other.

It is kind of like a cross between baseball and football. Each kid gets a turn to bat and then run the bases. No one is ever out. (Well, they throw the ball and no one ever catches it, so how could there be an out) And after the last batter, the kids then all run around the bases until everyone gets a chance to touch homeplate.

It is all very warm and fuzzy. They play three innings. There isn't a score, of course, but it is the most hilarious thing I have ever watched. The helmets are as big as the kids, and the tackling is so funny. The kids are all really into it and having so much fun. This all lasts about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Then they all get a high five and a snack and we go home.

The end.
I know there are those of you out there thinking, "this is so dumb - all warm and fuzzy and everyone wins". But honestly - most of them have never played before, so I kind of like this. It is a good way to teach them the basic rules of the game. I am fine with that!
Tuesday was also supposed to be Daisy Scouts, but due to T-ball, we opted out of disorganized Daisies for the week. I am sure we didn't miss much, and I am less confused for a week.
Wednesday was Arlington's first swimming lesson. This she also loved.

Although, it has been a year since Arlington has been in the pool and my little fish was kind of like a fish out of water for her first lesson.

She jumped right in, but she has forgotten a lot. I am sure it will come back to her. Mostly, I just want her to refresh how to get herself back to safety if she falls in. She used to be able to swim from one side of the pool to the other on her own when we lived in Florida. I just think she needs some reminding of what to do.

She had a great time. This lesson lasted an hour. We found out that she needs a swim cap and goggles as part of her "gear" for her classes. Great. More stuff. Arlington's extra cirriculars are starting to cost a fortune.
Mat had picked up the babies at the pool so I didn't have to try and keep them from drowning during Arlington's half an hour lesson. That was helpful. Finley's middle name is NOT safety.
Thursday it was back to T-ball. This was a bit challenging because Mat was at a dinner meeting, so I was on my own with the three kids. But the little ones did fine. I brought them toys and snacks and they stayed well occupied, thank goodness.
Three nights in a row, though, we were all getting a little tired of running around. We were happy that Friday night we could just stay home and relax. Most weeks there aren't two T-ball games, so that is what I think made it seem crazier.
This morning was also supposed to be soccer. I know, I know. Another activity. But Arlington loves it. Anyway, out first soccer practice was rained out. Bummer. But the rain didn't last long, so Mat and I and the kids spent the morning outside. The kids ran around while we worked on the playset. Playset update.....it isn't done. No. It is getting closer, and we were really proud of our progress today. At least we were until we got to the roof. It is really difficult, and Mat did mention just burning the playset to the ground once or twice.
Arlington did tell him he needed to watch "Bob the Builder" for pointers.
Tonight Mat and I and the kids went to a picnic at one of Mat's co-worker's homes. It was a lot of fun. Mat's co-worker has a Kindergarten aged daughter, so she and Arlington had a blast. The babies were really good, and everyone went to bed easy tonight after a long, fun day.
This week at work was pretty good. Even though swine flu has gotten everyone so crazy. Can I just tell you that I had several kids absent this week because the parents were afraid to send their kids. You know...just in case. I just can't even give you all the details as of why because it would be a really long post AND you would cry over the stupidity.
No, my school doesn't have anyone with swine flu.
But who cares, right? Schools are the only place you could possibly catch the swing flu, so you should keep your kids home. Just in case you weren't clear.
Finley and Arlington both said something funny this week.
Finley was getting ready for dinner the other night and she said she couldn't eat because "her belly was full of crackers". This was probably true, but still cute. This girl eats her weight in crackers on a daily basis. She would survive on goldfish crackers and olives if I would allow it.
Arlington was having chicken wings the other night from dinner, and asked about them.
Arlington: what are we eating?
Mat: chicken wings
Arlington: do they come from a pig?
Makes you wonder.
On Tuesday, Mat and I took a 1/2 day and went to Cainan's transition meeting between the Birth to Three program and public school. The results were inconclusive as to whether he would qualify for their special needs program. While Cainan is basically right on track developmentally, Mat and I still have our concerns about his comprehension and retention skills. We had a nice meeting and got all of our concerns on the table, and the school decided they wanted to do a few more tests before making a decision. We were happy for that. So if he doesn't qualify, then that means he is doing fine and we need to stop worrying so much. He will continue to qualify for speech, which we knew. But unfortunately, he won't be able to attend the speech program at the public school because the only time they do it is from 9-1 while Mat and I are at work. We can't get him there. So, we would have to look for a private therapist. But, we will have to cross that bridge when we get there. We should have all the results back in about 1 month, so I will update you then. For now, our boy is on a 31 month level, and he is 35 months old, so that isn't bad! He has come so far - we are really pleased. We just want to make sure he keeps up so that in Kindergarten we aren't playing catch up with his learning.
So, that is it! Mat is going to Sacramento this week for a trip, but my dad and grandma are coming to stay with me while he is gone. I am always grateful for the help.
See you Tuesday! Sorry I don't have pictures of the little ones - I will do better next time.
1 comment:
That IS a busy week. I don't know how you do all those activities! I hate having to be on a schedule-so as of now we are not signing E up for any classes that we have to pay for. Instead I am going to hit up some local free stuff-that way I don't feel bad if I miss. We may do swim again before the summer-but it will be hard with our busy summer and a baby on the way. We have a pool in our development so I might have to be her swim teacher. I hope you had a chance to relax during the weekend.
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