I am sure that after one week, my children and I will be over spending so much quality time together.

This past Wednesday was Arlington's last swimming class. I was very glad becaue Arlington is not a safe swimmer. She is a girl who likes to take risks, and I am not. I hold my breath the entire half an hour she is in the pool and I don't take my eyes off of her for one minute. She is totally fine. But I am sure she is not. She is having the time of her life, and I think she is destined to drown. She dove in twice in the 7 foot water and touched the bottom before returning to the surface. She was so proud! I was terrified. I should really send Mat to the swim lessons- he has always had a“let's see what she does” kind of attitude. Probably why she was swimming so well when we left Florida. If it was up to me, she would wear floaties and a life jacket.

Wednesday was also another meeting for our upcoming school picnic. I think it is going to be really nice and really fun, so I hope a lot of people come. Or at least enough people to make all of this work worth it.

This place is amazing. Truly. I have never seen such a great preschool. The program is awesome, and the best part? Finley and Cainan can be in two different classrooms. They have 4 preschool classrooms, so that made it easy to split them up. I am really excited about the move. I can't wait!

Today Arlington had soccer practice and then we had a birthday party this afternoon. She was excited to go and it was a lot of fun. It was an indoor minature golf party where everything glowed in the dark. She had a blast. It was fun for me too! We have another birthday party tomorrow to attend as well. Then one next weekend and then we are done for awhile. I know Arlington enjoys going, but I have eaten enough birthday cake to last me a life time.

Tomorrow Mat and I are also going to uproot a few trees in our back yard tomorrow. He is getting the old chainsaw ready. I planted a lot of new plants a few weekends ago, and they just aren't getting enough sun. So, the trees must come down. Let's just hope they don't fall on the house. We don't tend to have the best luck when it comes to these types of projects. The kids will be safely indoors, and the cars in the garage, but let's just hope our aim is good!

Let's see - school stories.... The kids are crazy. The end.
No, they are just excited that there are just a few days of school left. I had to speak to one of the second grade classes this week because they are coming in hoards to my office. Just for little things, or nothing at all. One little girl came to my office 5 times on Thursday. So on Friday, I made a deal with them. If they could come and see me for emergencies only, then next Friday I would give them each a jolly rancher.
Doesn't seem like much but they LOVE jolly ranchers. You should have seen their faces.
I also had a little boy a while back come to my office with a three day old, quarter size bruise and ask for a wheelchair. Best chuckle of my day. He made it to my office just fine, but was SURE he needed a wheelchair to get around the rest of the day. You should have seen how crest fallen he was when I didn't agree.

Arlington, last weekend, finished with Daisy Scouts for the year. They had a little picnic and a "flying up" ceremony. So next year she will be in.......Daisies. Ha! They do Daisies for two years.

But she got some patches and a pin, and then next year she will earn the rest of her Daisy petals. One of my mommy friends is taking over the troop next year and

Here is a picture of her Daisy troop. Aren't they cute? Most of these girls are in Arlington's afternoon Kindergarten class.

Last Monday Arlington had her next to last T-ball game. Mat took her to this game because he hadn't seen her play in awhile and wanted to see her improvement.
He got to see her hit the ball without the T.

And she got a little trophy for participating in T-ball. I have never seen her more excited than she was when she got that trophy. Yes, everyone got one, but this was my girl's first trophy. It was pretty nice! It has her name on it and she just loves that thing. She put it on a high shelf to ensure that Finley won't touch it. (notice how we don't worry about Cainan bothering it. Such a good boy).

That was the highlight of Arlington's week. I wish I could have captured her excitement in a picture. It was just too cute.

Tuesday was my mother-in-law's last day of work. She is retiring this year as a teacher. Mat and I sent a “happy last day of school/first day of retirement” plant this day to her school. I am sure she will be missed by her co-workers and the kids. Anyone would be lucky to be taught by Sally. She is passionate and patient and kind. She was an elementary teacher, and she has told a lot of great stories over the years! Congratulations on your retirement Sally!
One last note - we would like to extend our sympathy's to our family friends the Morfords - Joanna, Lois, everyone - we are so sorry for your loss. Joanna's young baby who was around 11 months old passed away last night. She has been sick since she was born, and her condition has been declining. She was surrounded by family last night when she passed so they could say goodbye. We know how much she will be missed, and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
I will see you on Tuesday.
1 comment:
Finley looks like she has good hair with a headband - so cute!
Congrats to Arlington on her first trophy, and to Cainan for being polite enough not to bother it :-)
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