Today was Arlington's Kindergarten party. Tomorrow is Arlington's offical last day of Kindergarten. Our little girl will be a first grader soon - so hard to believe. Above in the picture are Arlington's two best little friends. When we moved here, Arlington left behind her best little buddy in Florida and she was devestated. She met a ton of girls this year, and among them these two girls. (Another great little girl we met was our neighbor's daughter, but she is on vacation, so I couldn't take her picture today!!). "J" and "E" (and "K" who isn't here!!) have helped Arlington's transition to Connecticut a little easier. It is hard to say that they will be together in class next year. These three above are the "chatty kids" so my guess is.....no. But true friends will be there even if you don't see them every minute of the day. I had to take their picture together. They mean a lot to Arlington (and their mommies are special to me too) and I hope to take a picture of them together when they graduate from high school and say they are still friends.

Monday was my official last day of work until the fall. I am sure I will be stopping in to the office from time to time to see if anyone has graced my mailbox with paperwork I need for next year. But I don't have to officially return until the 24th of August!! I got a lot done on Monday without kids there. I cleaned my large closet, moved furniture, and went to the middle school to transfer my 4th grader files to that nurse. It was a successful day, and I am glad I am over and done with it.
Monday was also my LAST picnic committee meeting. We went to dinner at a local restaurant and talked about the picnic and what we liked and what we want to change for next year. It was fun to get together one last time this year and eat a yummy dinner at the same time!

Tomorrow I leave for 5 days for Boston with my nursing co-workers. We are going to the National School Nursing Convention. I am looking forward to it. We are lucky it is close to "home" this year, or we wouldn't be going. I am going to miss the kids a little bit, though. Even though it will be nice not to yell at anyone for a few days....

Aunt Betty Arrived today. I picked her up at the airport this morning and then we headed right to the babies new preschool to sign them up and speak with their program coordinators. Aunt Betty and Mat got a little tour of the center, and then we left. Mat decided to come home from there for the afternoon and go to Arlington's schoo party with us. Arlington was excited to see us all there! It was the first time we have been able to attend a school function this year, and we were happy to have that chance.

They had all kinds of goodies today. Arlington chose the chocolate covered strawberries, some fruit, and a little hamburger made out of chocolate and vanilla wafers! They were really cute little things!

The party was during the last hour of their day. After the kids ate, the room mothers did a little craft with them and then they presented Mrs. O with a plate that a mom had all the kids engraved and then she fired it and made it into a beautiful platter. I meant to take a picture and forgot. But it was great.

After that, the kids and adults got to watch a video slide show that one of the mom's put together for the teacher (and all the kids got a copy as well) of pictures from the year. It was really neat to watch. That video will be fun to look at when Arlington is older to see how much the kids have changed.
So, that is it! Because I will be in Boston on Saturday, I won't be posting, so I will post again next week when I return! Have a great week!
Okay, my guess is that this is a line from Into the Woods when Jack is saying goodbye to the cow. Am I right? Instead of 5 points, can I have 5 dollars?=) Hope you enjoyed your time in Boston!
No, no, wait! I think I changed my answer! It's a line from Yankees, isn't it? When Joe is saying goodbye? Oh man, all these goodbye songs from musicals! There's just too many to choose from!=) Let me know if I'm close!=))
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