I forgot to blog yesterday. I got up this morning, realized it was Wednesday, and there you have it. Did you miss me? Of course you did. What a silly question.

Not much to report - which is good! School is winding down for my district. We are going to be done this Friday at 1:05pm. The kids are a little off the wall this week, but it is all good. Even the staff is getting goofy. Mostly this week has been filled with parties and fun activities to get through the last couple of days. Tomorrow is a half day for students, but not for staff. But Friday - we all get to leave early! Yay! I need to work on Monday, though, but that is okay. It is just an extra day the nursing staff needs to do. We do file transfer this day, and I will clean up my office. Then I say goodbye for 8 glorious weeks.

This past Sunday was our church picnic. The pictures in this post are from that day (at home before we left). It was a very nice picnic there was a lot of really great food. We have met some really wonderful young people at our church who have kids the same age as ours. That has been really nice. After that we went and did some shopping. We are looking for our new patio furniture. Our old furniture was Florida proof, but not winter proof! So it didn't survive. We saw a lot of different things we liked, but haven't made a final decision yet.

Monday was a slow news day at our house. For once.

Tuesday was a busy one. After work all day, I had a picnic committee meeting and then went to the PTO meeting. I wasn't home until after 9pm. But that was okay. The picnic is this coming Saturday, so this was the last meeting for that. We are all set and excited! And PTO is always fun. We had a good time discussing next year's projects.

Today I did some shopping and did some yard work, and the kids played around after school. We are waiting on our new sandbox that should be arriving any day, but we still have our old one. The sandbox is their favorite part of our play area. They love that thing. We were outside for several hours, and almost the whole time they were in the sand. We played a lot on the beaches of Florida year round. I do think that is why they love the sand so much. I get a lot of work done when they are occupied like that - that is for sure!

Mat had a dinner meeting tonight, and then had to run a few errands for the picnic. So the kids and I were alone this evening. It was fine - everyone was on their best behavior. Ha - ha!!! did you really believe that? Nah - I can't fool you.

The other exciting news is that Mat's sister Teen (Carrie's twin) announced that she is pregnant with her first baby. She is due in December. We are very excited for her and Frank. they are going to make wonderful parents. Our family is growing by leaps and bounds. What fun our lake vacations are coming with new children every time we go.
Babies and more babies! I love little newborns. How light they are, the way they smell, the way they smile in their sleep. As much as they tire you out, there is nothing like a new baby. As my children age and I get further and further away of those days they were that small, I am glad I have so many brothers and sisters who are still having children, so I can enjoy those tiny little toes again and again!
See you Saturday. Maybe. Unless I forget what day it is again. Which is very possible.
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