Saturday, August 6, 2011

Settling in

We are getting unpacked quicker than expected.  Especially since I have a broken foot.  On Tuesday I was trying to carry a box down the steps of our old house, and I lost my balance and twisted it badly.

So after dinner out with the nurses, it was hurting so badly I went to the ER (it is my non-driving foot).  Sure enough - broken.  Right on top.  Lovely.  I am in a boot for 4 weeks.  Such WONDERFUL timing.

Mat and I started the unpacking yesterday, the movers set up all the furniture, and it is already feeling like home.  Today we unpacked the playroom and my FANTASTIC cousin, Kirsten, came all the way from New York City to help me.  She has been such a huge help.  We conquered most of the kitchen today as well, and will finish it off tomorrow.  I am so happy to have her here.  It does make it much easier to sit every once in awhile and rest my foot.

Tomorrow I will take some pictures.  We are having a great time getting things all together.  The kids have been having a great time and being really good.  They were happy to see their toys and are enjoying their new rooms.  Finley and Arlington have decided to start out in their OWN rooms, and have been doing really well.  I am impressed.

So tomorrow we unpack some more and enjoy our new house.  I am missing my Salem friends very much, but at the same time and anxious to meet some of our new neighbors.

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