Saturday, September 17, 2011


Today Finley and Cainan had their first soccer practice today.  They had a great time and are looking forward to going back again next week.  They are on two different "teams".  Finley is with our neighbor, Andy.  His daughter, "M" is also on the team so that helps as well.  I was glad to see that because he knows about Finley's vision, so I know he will be patient with her and understand when she needs a little extra help keeping up.

But they did great.  Last night we bought their balls, their shin guards, and their cleats.  They were excited and liked running around.  By the end of the practice, they were happy and tired.

Here are the pictures of Finley and Cainan playing.  Finley first:

Finley got the idea pretty quickly, and seemed to be having fun.  When they played their little game, she got the ball several times and dribbled it.  It was great to see.  Only once did she go the wrong way (ha) and when her team mate encouraged her to turn around, she patted him on the shoulder and told him to take the ball.  It was pretty cute.

Cainan next:
Cainan had a great time as well.  Ran all around and tried his best.  He was a little nervous because he wasn't sure what to do sometimes, but he stuck with it.  He did not make much contact with the ball during their little game at the end, but he will get better.  Arlington was the same way at first - she didn't want to get kicked, so she didn't go near the action.  We had to explain that is what the shin guards were for, and then she was fine.  He will be the same.  I am just glad he liked it.

Arlington came along this morning as well too.  Did a good job on the sidelines.  Walked the track a few times around and got some fresh air and exercise.  It was a great morning.
The rest of the day was spent outside.  It is cool today, but not too cold.  Arlington and Finley spent the day with the neighborhood girls.  We are so lucky to have 3 other little girls right in our neighborhood.  I think they spent about 5 hours together this afternoon just running back and forth to each other's houses.  It is great.  Cainan hung out with us for the most part, playing with them occasionally.  We wish there was another little boy on the block for him.  But he did great just digging in the dirt and keeping us company while we worked.
He even dug for worms.  I was amazed to watch him pick 3-4 of them up bare handed and carry them around.  He has really changed.  Such a boy.  He kept the worms as "pets" for most of the afternoon in a bucket full of dirt, and then released them into the yard before we came in for the night.

We had a great day.  Mat and I celebrated getting the front yard raked and seeded with some Kimball farms ice cream and a movie.  Tomorrow we are hopeful to finish up the front yard planting and mulching for good. 

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