Saturday, August 18, 2007

More Pictures, Less Words

The Hunan Group at the Yue Lu Academy.

The Neighborhood Bookstore in Changsha.

The Medical Office for Cainan's Minimalist Medical Exam. Yep, he can hear and has two feet.

Cainan Getting Measured by Two Very Traditionally Dressed Nurses. I think nurses in the US should go back to dressing this way, right Jennifer?

The area in Guangzhou where we are staying is apparently a very popular place to have your wedding photos taken. We saw at least 6 couples doing so just today.

See what I mean?

Young Girl Playing Badminton. The streets were filled with people, young and old, knocking the old bird around.

Hugging the Wall. Cainan really likes this wall. He will get us to help him walk over to this portion of the wall and then he will just latch on to it. Rubbing his face against it. Clawing at it. I think it would make him very happy if we could bring that wall home with us.

How to have Swim Class without Water. There is a pool inside the building (we think). But first all the little kids came out on the sidewalk to do all their stretching and to practice their strokes. In unison.

Some of the Others - Kaylee, her happy Mom, and, down the table, big sis Sydney.

Some of the Others - Addison and Mom

Some of the Others - Fiona

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