Saturday, June 2, 2012


I want to post a proper post about Cainan's birthday, but that isn't going to be possible this weekend.  But - on his actual birthday, I want him to know how very proud of him we are.  How much he means to us, and how lucky we are to have him as part of our family.

5 years ago, yesterday, we found out that Cainan would be our son.  Our adoption agency called, and said that they had our little boy's file and we would be traveling before summer's end for him.  He was going to turn one the next day.  How I wish he could have been with us for his first birthday.

Here we are.  He has turned 6 years old.  He has grown from a little boy who could barely sit up to a child that amazes us everyday.  He went from a child that didn't make a sound, to a child that barely takes a breath to stop talking.  He went from a child who had never been outside, to a child that scoops up as many worms, and plays in as much dirt as he can.  He is a normal kid.  A kid that came to us at 14 pounds, and has grown into a smart, funny, sweet boy.

He had a hard beginning.  He has struggled every year to catch up.  But to see where he was to where he has come......there are no words.  It is utterly amazing.

So happy birthday little man.  We can't imagine life without you.


Today was ALSO the pancake fundraiser in New Brighton, PA.  The New Brighton Interact Club did an AMAZING job on the fundraiser.  In the end $1460 was raised for the RDH12 Fund for Sight.  We cannot thank them enough for what they did for Finley and our foundation today.  If you shake your head at today's youth, I want you to think about the New Brighton kids.  They saw a little girl they didn't know - who they had seen in our video we made - and approached their teacher wanting to help.  Their parents should be very proud of the kids they raised, and these kids should be very proud of the young adults they are.

Great day.  Amazing day.  Can't wait to be able to post pictures!

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