Thursday, July 21, 2011

We are all in this together

I have a friend from high school whom I still adore.

Her name is Julie.  She has a little girl named Sydney.

Sydney has a rare genetic condition, just like Finley.  But unlike Finley - Sydney's condition is life threatening.  Sydney has something called Dravet's Syndrome.  Dravet's is a rare condition that causes Sydney to have over 1000 seizures a day.

Just like us, Julie and her family are fighting to cure their little girl.  They raise money to help find a cure, and they need our help and our prayers.

I know how much you love and support Finley and our family.  So - I wanted to introduce you to Julie and her beautiful daughter.  She made this video that explains about her daughter's syndrome, and I was very tearful after watching it.

My heart goes out to all families and all children who suffer.  I feel so lucky about the health of our children.  That even with Finley's diagnosis, she is healthy.  She is here.  There are so many that aren't as lucky as we are.

So please - Julie is a fellow Connellsville family.  She will be holding a fundraiser for her little girl in the fall, and when I have more details, I will post them here.  I plan on being there to support her if I can, and I hope you will too.  Just like us - she wants to save her little girl from these terrible seizures and watch her grow up happy and healthy.

But she can't do it alone. If you go to and click on "donate now," on the next page you can checkmark "research fund" and then list "Sydney Michaels Research Fund" in the comment section. Any money donated will then help them meet their goal of $30,000.
Please watch.

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