Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Quick update

I know it isn't Saturday yet, but I wanted to update everyone on Cainan. I don't have any more pictures, but we are still at the hospital. We thought we would get to go home today, but he ended up getting a fever this morning. The doctor doesn't want to take any chances, so he wants to keep us here until he is fever free for at least 24 hours. He drew blood cultures, urine cultures, some other blood, nose culture, ear culture, chest xray and CT scan. Fun huh? Cainan got 45 minutes of sleep the whole day! He was miserable. The highest his fever went was 103.5. We didn't get the CT scan done because of that high fever, so we will get that done tomorrow. They have to sedate him for that, so they weren't comfortable doing that with the fever.

Anyway, he is a mess! Poor baby. So miserable. Mat is going to come and stay with him tonight because we don't have any clothes left. We will return tomorrow morning and then Mat can go to work. The doctor thinks we will go home either tomorrow evening, but more likely Friday. We have to wait and see what the cultures grow and they take anywhere from 24-48 hours to do so. Fun, fun! We just want to go home and get some rest. I think that in the end it is going to just be a virus because he is one a strong antibiotic and that really would take care of anything big. But the doctor thinks he could have a bad cold, the flu, or RSV. So we will see. Sigh.

Okay - that is the update. I will let you know more on Saturday!


E R I C A said...

Poor Cainan, I hope his fever breaks and you can go home and get back to normalcy.

Wanted to comment on what a trooper your little guy is! Just think of all the stuff he's been through in his young life. And yet he's still a happy, well-adjusted little boy. What a blessing he must be in your lives.


Marilyn, Paul, PJ, Chris & Lauren said...

So sorry to hear Cainan had a set back. Hang in there. You must be exhausted.

Sending prayers your way,

another Mum of three