This post is going to be completely random. I am tired, and the week isn't even half over. So I may ramble.
Sunday it rained all day here. And from the moment the three
monsters angels got up, they whined. The complained. They fought. The hours ticked by so slowly. When bed time finally came, even Mat (who is definitely the more patient one) was shaking his head. They just had a very off day, and not being able to go outside didn't do us any favors. I need to invest in rain boots and rain coats, so they can play outside no matter what the weather.

Monday was back to work and school. The kids were pretty good to me yesterday. I did have one kid bite another kid, and that wasn't so great. About 10 kids lost teeth. They seem to fall out in large numbers at the beginning of the year. I had a Kindergartener lose a tooth, and when he returned to his class with is tooth in a container and a sticker that says "I lost a tooth" the teacher said all of his friends started wiggling their teeth vigorously. Weirdos.

Monday Cainan had an ENT appointment. He has had 3 ear infections in 2 months, so the doctor wanted to look at his tube and see if it needed to come out. Well, he has his 4th ear infection. She gave him a stronger antibiotic and said if this doesn't do it - the tube will have to come out. We don't go back until November, so hopefully he won't get another infection between now and then.

Today was pretty uneventful as well. I like days like that! I had two meetings this morning that took up 2 hours of my day. I did send one kid home who was very suspicious for having the flu. Today was picture day at our school. The kids were all dressed up so cute. Some kids go all out on what they wear. One little girl got her comb stuck in her hair and it took me 10 minutes to get it out. She was "twirling it and twirling it" she told me, and lost track of what she was doing. It was in there pretty good. One mother sent her daughter with visine, and a note for me "please put Visine in her eyes before her pictures". Okay.

Tonight we had a get together with some new friends. A friend of mine at work introduced me to a friend of hers who recently adopted a little boy from China. We have emailed back and forth a few times and we were finally able to get together. Her husband, she and her son came over this evening for dinner and a chance for the kids to meet each other. Her little boy is 2. The kids had a great time, and her little boy is VERY cute. It was exciting to meet another family who adopted a little boy from China, and I hope we can get together often so the kids can play. It was a fun evening (her husband made an apple pie from scratch!) and we look forward to getting together again soon! I forgot to get the camera out. Next time!

So that is about it. Tonight Mat and I are watching a movie called "Adventureland". It was filmed at Kennywood Park (which is in our hometown of Pittsburgh). It is a pretty good movie. It is neat seeing places we know.

So, that is it. I know there are not many pictures (poor Cainan- I will do better!). Sorry about that! Finley's hair was looking cute, so that is why I took the pictures above of her. And Arlington was sporting some new outfits.

Here is Arlington in her favorite reading position.

Just kidding. But she did try it. She read almost a whole chapter like this. I don't know how she didn't pass out.
Tomorrow Mat's parents arrive. Thursday is Finley's eye exam under anesthesia in Boston. So more fun to come!

I will see you Saturday!
1 comment:
We will be thinking of Finley on Thursday!
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