Monday, January 27, 2014


I am happy to report that my favorite lady is home from the hospital and starting her road to recovery.

It indeed is cancer.  She indeed has a fight ahead of her.  But she will come through this kicking and screaming - I know it.  I have never met anyone as strong as she is, so I know she will fight.

She went home with a lot of care.  Nursing, aides, physical therapy, occupational therapy, meals being delivered.......she is well cared for so that my mom, aunt, and grandfather can breathe a little easier.

One day at a time.  That is all they can do.  I am looking forward to going to Pennsylvania in February so that I can see her for myself and give her a pep talk.

In the mean time, the kids and I decided to send her a care package of some of her favorite goodies.  The woman loves coconut snowballs (so.gross), so we ordered those, got her some meals from Tastefully simple, some dark chocolate, some red hots candy.  We threw in some PEople magazines and some pictures the kids drew, and are getting ready to send it off.

If you read my blog, please say a prayer for continued healing.  Her job on this earth is not done.  And if you know her well, give her a call, or send her some love - she would sure appreciate it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am so happy your grandma is home again! It's a great blessing, I felt like that when my grandma was sick. I am happy for you and everyone that you love as family! I will continue to pray for her-god bless!! Shayla