Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Yes, we are continuing on our wonderful Christmas vacation! We have had busy, fun days with no end to the fun in sight! Yesterday we went to breakfast at IHOP with my great Aunt Jeanie, and that was fun. It was nice to see her. After a nice breakfast we came home and the kids played and then when it was time for their nap my mom and I went shopping! I got treated to a VERY nice afternoon of shopping and getting some new things to add to my wardrobe. It was fun. We met Mat and my dad and the kids for dinner and then Mat and I decided to see "Bedtime Stories". It wasn't that great - I don't recommend it. I think it could have been funnier.

Today this morning everyone except for Cainan got a haircut! We all were in need, so we went to our local salon and all look very pretty now! Ha! After that we went to breakfast, hit the Dollar store, and then it was time to say goodbye to my family and head to Mat's house. We had a nice visit with my family, and we will be seeing them again in a few weeks!

We got to Mat's parent's house around lunch time and the kids had a chance to run around and play before nap time. Mat's sister, Teen and her hubby Frank were already there, so we got to spend the afternoon with them. Mat's sister Jess and her hubby Tom showed up later in the afternoon along with Mat's aunt Betty (get ready for a LONG list of names here over the next couple of days - his family is HUGE). It was great seeing everyone! We haven't seen Teen and Frank since we moved from Florida in May, so it is great to have a few days with them. We spent the day playing games, playing Wii and hanging with the kids. I have posted pictures from the last two days below. I will probably not return until either Saturday or Sunday - the days are going to be very busy! So there will be lots of pictures to share!

Have a wonderful New Year! My resolution this year is to be more patient!
Enjoy the pictures and I will see you over the weekend. Oh - and if things continue on this path, my new blog makeover should be ready the next time I post!!!

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