I walked out of work at 3:15pm and snow flakes were coming down fast and furious. The evening of the 15th, accumulation of snow was made on our back patio.

No, no, no, no, no, no no.
To early. Not ready.
It did start to rain later, and the snow did melt some. And then by morning, it was all gone. Finley went outside to get in the car, and she said "where did the snow go? I didn't get to make my snow ball!"
Thursday at work had been pretty horrible. Just a long day. I had three big issues, and our principal was away at a conference. One issue involved a call to DCF, which I will not elaborate on. But trust me when I say, the deal took my entire day and all of my energy to manage, and I was really to go home by the end of the day.
Friday was uneventful at work. We had a "casual for a cause" dress down day on behalf of Finley. I thought that was really sweet of my school. They collected a nice amount of money for me to add to our growing FABULOUS sponsorship we have received. We are really excited about the walk! We have almost reached $3000!! That is amazing - thanks to ALL of you. We can never thank you enough.
Anyway, today started off with Arlington's last soccer practice of the season. She was in a bad mood to start the morning but ended up doing fine at soccer practice. It was flipping cold this morning - only in the high 30's for most of the practice. I need to locate my gloves. I got a chance to chat with some mommies and shiver for an hour and a half, and then we came home.
Today was filled with cleaning, laundry, and baking. We are getting some company starting tomorrow, so we are getting ready! My cousin, Alissa, is coming in from NYC to spend tomorrow into Monday with us. Then my parents come in Monday for the week. We are looking forward to both of their visits!
I made pumpkin muffins this evening, but they turned out a little bland. Very disappointing. Ah well. I am not the best baker. But I am going to try some different breads tomorrow and a few types of cookies.
I have been cooking more. (I will pause while my family picks their jaws up off the floor). Anyone who knows me well knows I HATE to cook, and I try to avoid it at all cost. But I decided that I would try to make at least 3-4 meals a week, and do simpler stuff the other days.
No WONDER it snowed. Duh.
After the little ones got up from their naps, we went shopping. Like the insane parents we are, we took three kids to the mall on a Saturday night. They were fairly good - they like to run down all the ramps that are there. We ate in the food court, and did a few minor things, then headed out. I went to make a return and actually heard Christmas music playing in the shop. You have got to be kidding me.
While standing in line in the food court, I stood behind two girls who couldn't have been more than 15. They each had a cell phone (of course) and were texting each other instead of talking. It was complete madness. Then they started talking some unknown phone language that I can't begin to understand. I own a pay by the minute cell phone. I don't text, or IM, or tweet, or do anything else weird. I counted about 20 people with cell phones to their ears just in the food court. Sad.
ANYWAY - after we left the mall, we headed to my least favorite place to take the kids. The grocery store. Finley loves to touch EVERYTHING on the shelves. Luckily the syrup bottle she knocked on the floor was made of plastic. Cainan likes to ride in the cart and be lazy. If he could have his perfect shopping experience, it would be riding in the cart, and having a large snack and a giant drink.
The kids left the store with one treat for being good and not causing a scene at any point. We bought them a bag of candy corn. I hate candy corn, but the kids and Mat love it. Finley tried to eat the whole bag on the way home, and when we told her she had enough, she sobbed for her "corndy cane". What a werido. That girl will do just about anything for candy. Anything but potty train.
I am sorry I am lacking in the picture department today. I forgot to charge my battery in the camera (a lot of days in a row), so no pictures. Except one of Cainan chillin' on the couch.

The kids have decided what they are going to be for Halloween this year. Arlington chose Batgirl. (these are not pictures of the kids in the costumes - just Amazon models. ha)

Cainan chose Batman.

First he wanted to be spiderman until he saw the mask covered his whole face. Then he said "no thank you"
Finley chose Snow White. Her new favorite princess.

She tried it on tonight, and before I knew it, had drawn on it with a purple marker. Could she be any badder? I washed it and.....it didn't come out. Of course not. She had to draw on it with a permanent marker. I will try to wash it a few more times, but I think I am out of luck.
So, that is it! I will try to do better with pictures.
Don't forget - if you want to sponsor us in our "Visionwalk" there is still time! Click on this link:
And it will take you to our page. We walk next Saturday the 24th!!
See you Tuesday!!
Their costumes look awesome! Enjoy all of your visitors :-)
Finley and Marcail are going to be the same princess for Halloween. How fun! :)
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