At 8:30 this morning, while I was just getting settled at work, The billing department at Boston Children's decided to start my day off all wrong. We had submitted a complaint that we felt we were overbilled for Finley's genetic blood draw (by A LOT - several thousand), and at first, the people I delt with a few weeks ago were wonderful. Very understanding and also feeling that a mistake was made. I sent in the required letter and paperwork to try and resolve the problem.
But today - a VERY rude man called me up to basically say I was a moron for second guessing their charges. I tried to explain to him that 1) we know what we should have been charged and 2) we didn't mind paying, but we felt it was in need of more explanation. I got no where with this man. He was awful. He wouldn't let me talk, he kept making really dumb remarks, and he had poor grammar. Why in the world he was in charge of calling people, I have no idea.
I was pretty rattled when the phone call ended, so I took his name, and called Mat. I am not easily rattled by stupid people, but this guy caught me off guard. So my saint of a husband took care of it for me. Not only did he talk to this guy and really challenge him, he talked to his supervisor and patient relations. So, in the end, I was feeling better.
But - if you use Boston Children's for anything, stay FAR, FAR away from their laboratory. They are going to screw it up. Get your blood drawn somewhere else.
Moving on........
Today was met with a large headache that stayed with me all day after that phone call. So, I didn't attend the monthly PTO meeting tonight. I was disappointed, but my headache won in the end.

Arlington and I wrapped up the book "The Magician's Elephant" and I highly recommend it. It was very good, and we both enjoyed it.

On her own, Arlington is plugging away at books to get her to her American Girl doll. She is still doing one chapter book a week, and sometimes she fullfills that requirment in a day, and sometimes it takes the whole week - depending on her mood! This week, she finished one book in a day and is working on a second so that maybe she can finish early. Good thought.
So she is working on "The Littles" series. She and my mother-in-law Sally picked up one at the book sale a few weeks ago, and she loved it. So we went to the library and got a few more.

The second book that caught her attention this week was "Happy Birthday Bad Kitty".

Finley got a coloring book in the mail today from her new teacher from the school of the blind. She was pretty excited about it. Her teacher thought she might like it, and she was right. The pictures are raised, so she can feel them and that is helping her color. And it also contains the braille words for all of the pictures, so that was cool too.

Which makes me think of that REALLY awful guy this morning. I felt like shouting at him - "our daughter is going blind. We are trying to do right by her. I don't need this." What a jerk. Maybe if he would have taken two seconds to look at the test and see what they were for, maybe he would have been a little more sympathetic.
But probably not.

After the class we went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner. Thanks Aunt Betty for the gift card - we enjoyed our dinner out!
Monday morning - Finley was not in the mood to go to school.

Isn't that funny? My goodness people have too much time on their hands.
Finley also thought she wanted a "Terminator Skull" because it was a skeleton. What a weirdo.
Cainan really wants anything to do with super heroes and cars and trucks. All boy, all the time.
Although, today - when I asked Cainan again what he wanted - he said "green jello". Weirdo.
I took a picture of the "project" the students in the school have been doing for me. I have to do handwashing classes, which I have told you about before. I have each class write for me ways of keeping healthy, or have them draw pictures of being healthy. Tomorrow is my very last class (can I get a hallelujah) so I took a few pictures of my walls.

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See you Saturday!
Love the dresses! And that foolish man should know better than to mess with a descendent of Phyllis Kovall!
Here's what I've learned at work when it comes to hospital complaints. Go to your local legislator. They will contact the hospital and some resolution WILL happen. Plus, no one will be rude to them. :-)
That walking doll seriously creeps me out! Female Chucky, definitely!! :) I hope Reese never wants something like that . . not sure I could have it in the house. :)
Sorry about the rude man. That stinks! Glad you got it resolved, though!!
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