Friday, August 10, 2007

Settling in - Beijing

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After many hours in cramped quarters, we have arrived at our destination - Beijing. There is
definitely a bit of smog hanging above the city but other than that, it does not look terribly different than any other large metropolis. There is a definite lack of advertising compared a US city and the majority of adverts reference the upcoming Olympics. They have chosen 5 cute Pokemon-like bears to be their mascots. That should move some product. After getting to the hotel, we ventured out to the local grocery store to get some bottled water. What is the Chinese version of Montezuma's Revenge? But after 17 hours on a plane or in an airport with only an hour or two of sleep, we are really only in the mood for sleep. Exploring will wait for tomorrow.


Lisa said...

Glad to hear you made it ok.

You will enjoy Beijing, but nothing will compare to Hunan and seeing your child for the very first time. That is all I thought about while in Beijing. After your "Gotcha Day" nothing else will matter.

Can't wait to follow your journey.

Lisa mom to LilyRose a Chenzhou spicy girl home 6 mths.

Lisa said...
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