Christmas eve was fun. Mat had to work for a little while (well, that wasn't fun.) and so the kids and I spent the morning dancing to Christmas music.
Arlington and I made a cake and she got to lick the spoon.

I got this idea from my sister in laws who live in Florida who do this at Christmas time. I have always liked this idea.
We did track Santa's path all day on the computer - it was the neatest thing. The kids all got into it. We left the page up all day for them to watch Santa move from place to place.

We had hot chocolate and cookies when we got home. We had made gingerbread cookie dough in the afternoon and then realized it needed to be in the refridgerator for 4 hours. Should have read that sooner. But the dough was ready after church, so we made the cookies.

The kids didn't get up until after 7am Christmas morning, so that helped a lot. Mat and I didn't got to bed until 12:30pm. We were up late helping Santa put presents together. We hit a few snags - Cainan's airplane GeoTrax didn't come with an airplane, the scooter handlebar was dented and wouldn't go together, the robot cat would not stop meowing and drove us crazy.......
Anyway, where was I.
Christmas morning. The kids waited patiently at the top of the stairs until we were ready for them to come down.

Santa really needed to get her a gift certificate to get a new hairdo.
Cainan was the only one who took a nap. Finley was too excited to sleep, so she stayed up with Arlington.
We had a great afternoon spending time together. The kids stayed in their pajamas all day, and they really loved that.

We had a nice dinner here at the house - just us. I cooked. :) Aren't you proud?

Saturday we spent the day shopping. We wanted to hit some of the after Christmas sales on the Christmas decorations. Us, and everyone else around here. It was busy! But we had fun. We got many new Christmas goodies to add to my growing pile. Don't worry, I won't bore you with the pictures.
But we did get two little trees. Ah!! I have joined the "more than one tree" ranks. The girls have wanted a little tree in their room, so Arlington and I found this little pink tree.

Of course, Cainan needed one as well. His is a little smaller, but has these really cool lights. We decorated it and put it up as well.

So there you have it!
We hope you had a wonderful holiday! Here are a few more pictures to enjoy.
Update: I want to say congratulations to my sister in law, Teen, and her husband, Frank on becoming first time parents this evening to a BEAUTIFUL baby girl they named Reese. Congratulations to the both of you! We love you very much and cannot wait to see her in person!
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