My parents arrived yesterday and today we celebrated Christmas with them.

The kids got many wonderful presents. We had fun opening the last of the presents today.
There is not much to report at this time, so this will just be a picture post - something my grandma will love!

This is Arlington's new Webkinz from Aunt Renee and Uncle Phil.

Cainan opening a present from Aunt Jess and Uncle Tom

Arlington is opening presents from Aunt Jess and Uncle Tom

By the way - Mat and I saw Sherlock Holmes at the movie theaters today. Mat says it was good. I thought it was fine, but too much fighting. But, I did get popcorn ou of the deal, and then went shopping afterwards.

Finley got a Webkinz from Aunt Renee and Uncle Phil too. Can you tell she likes it.

Cainan also got a Webkinz from Aunt Renee and Uncle Phil

Finley got an Ugly doll from her grandparents. She loves this thing. And I have to tell you - she picked it out before Christmas. Honestly - for a girl who likes skeletons, are you surprised she likes something called an "Ugly Doll"?

All of the kids go these blocks from friends of our family - Larry and Marge. Finley built a tower, but before I could take a picture, godzillaFinley kicked it down for fun!

Cainan got this Thomas from Aunt Tricia and Uncle AJ. It was a favorite, that is for sure!

Arlington got a few science things from her Aunt Jess and Uncle Tom. Here she is working on digging out a fossil. She is also growing some gross animal. Jess - thanks for that.

Cainan got this Batman thing from my parents. He played with it all day. And the Spiderman chair behind him is from his Uncle Zac. He LOVES it! His favorite things - superheroes, and lounging.

Finley got this bank from Santa. She has been dying to paint it for several days. She painted most of it and then declared that it needed some money. Her Papa bought into that one.
We had a nice day. Tomorrow we are going to take the kids to a local museum. They haven't been out of the house in days, and it is starting to show.
See you Saturday!
1 comment:
Is there a slide show on this post? I'm very sad I can't see it!
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