For the last 6 1/2 years, those earrings have moved 3 times. Across the country and up the coast. During their life, I have misplaced them on several occasions. The case they originally came in got lost in the shuffle, and they had to find a new home. I have left them just about everywhere.
Over Thanksgiving, I had taken them on our trip to Pennsylvania. Arlington had "borrowed" their little case because she thought it was neat. I didn't mind until one night I could not find the case and she couldn't remember where she put it. It was our last night there, so I put them in a plastic bag with our toothbrushes telling myself I would remember they were in there.
I did not.
Stupid thyroid related memory loss.
I did not remember until we were unloading in Connecticut that the earrings were in that plastic bag. I went to get them, and they were not there. I searched everywhere. GONE.
I called my mother in law in despiration, hoping against hope that she had seen them. In the carpet? On the bedside table? On the floor in the bathroom? "Oh", she said "we have already cleaned and vacuumed, but I will look".
She called back 5 minutes later. She had found the earrings. A miracle!
Last week, my in-laws came for a visit and brought my precious earrings to me in a little plastic bag. "Here they are!" my mother-in law told me. She put them on our kitchen counter on Saturday night.
Here is where I made my mistake. Instead of jumping up, hugging my earrings (and my mother-in-law for finding them), I graciously thanked her for bringing them and left them on the counter.
That is the last time I thought about them for a whole week.
Stupid thyroid related memory loss.
On the next to last day they were there, I remembered. We searched everywhere. They were no longer on the counter, of course. After a week long of cleaning that counter, of course they weren't there. We thought and thought. Then there was no other choice.
We had to go through the garbage. Yuk, yuk, yuk.
I went through every bag. Nothing. Disappointed (especially since it was gross and I didn't find them), I declared them gone.
Tonight, Mat said, "we need to go through the garbage one more time before it goes tomorrow". I didn't want to. I already did this and had no desire to do it again. EVER.
But, together, we went through 7 bags of garbage. The last bag, the last handful, Mat said "did you see something shiny just now?" "No way" I said, "I didn't see a thing".
"Look again - really, I saw something". So I did. In a small little open plastic bag.
We were both jumping for joy! $----- earrings. (way too much to throw away). I couldn't believe it. The earrings were back. Again.
I felt very lucky to find them. I think my luck is starting to run out. I need to find a better home for those earrings.
The end.
Not much is happening in our house so far this week. Sunday we went to church and then to see Santa and then to the movies. Our visit with Santa was successful. All kids told Santa what they wanted (even Cainan!) and took a fairly decent picture.

We also got our family ornament. We let Arlington decide. She chose gingerbread men.

I took a picture of the kids in front of our tree in their new outfits from their Gramma and Pappy. They wore them to church on Sunday.

So, that is it. Nothing else to report at this time. I will see you Saturday! Enjoy your last week before the madness begins!
1 comment:
Want to come and find my very special diamond earring I lost last week??
The Santa pic is awesome. Maybe in two years, E will take one like that :-)
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