Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New School - take one

Today - we went to Arlington's school for a tour.  All new students to the district were invited for a tour to see the school and see their classrooms before school starts.  Arlington was so excited to finally see the school.

The tour was great.  First - I want to say that her school is completed renovated.  They just finished a two year renovation and I think the only thing that is the same is the shell of the school.  The school looks amazing.

We were able to meet a few other third graders.  One little girl and Arlington really hit it off.  She isn't in Arlington's class, but at least Arlington will have a few familiar faces that first day.  This little girl also has a little sister who is starting Kindergarten, so a good fit.

Arlington had a chance to see her classroom and spent a lot of time looking around in there.  She got to see her locker (yes, they have lockers for 3rd graders!) - it was labeled with her name already.  It made her even more excited for the first day.

Tomorrow we meet her teacher and I will take the camera.  That way you can see some things in the school.  I didn't take it today because we were with all different grade levels and I didn't know what we would be doing.  Arlington's school is grades 3-5 and has about 400 students.  There are 6, 3rd grade classrooms.  All with about 20 students each.  So, she will get to meet a ton of kids.
 We then went and spent a few hours with my new friend, Maria, and her kids.  My kids love her kids and her kids are really sweet.  We had a great time and I am lucky to have someone close by that has been a huge help to our family.  And she is a plant lover, just like me, so we have a lot to talk about!
This afternoon I did more garden work and moved a ton more plants to new homes.  The  baby bunnies (as you have seen in the pictures in this post) are big enough to come out of their hidey hole and take care of themselves.  This is a blessing and a curse.  I am very happy that they survived the hurricane, but now they are munching on my plants.  I caught one with a leaf in its mouth when I came around to check on them today.  Little stinker.  Lucky they are cute.
Arlington tried to give them carrots.  It was really cute.  They are going to have to move on soon - pretty soon their "home" will become a full on grass area - no more plant protection.  I will let them get a little bigger.
Mat has taught Arlington how to play chess and they have been playing daily.  Mat says she has gotten the idea and is doing pretty good. 

Another full day.  Summer is winding down.  A week tomorrow, the kids start back to school.  We are enjoying our time squeezing in everything we want to do before the summer ends.

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