So, I surprised myself the other night and watched the show about Sully Sullenberger who landed the commercial airline one year ago in he Hudson River.
Watching it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I found myself very tense sitting and watching the events unfold of that flight. I can't imagine what it would have been like to be on that plane that day.
The bottom line is - Captain Sullenberger saved those people's lives that day, and it was not by luck. That is a very talented pilot. And I would fly with him ANY DAY.
Do you think I can request him when we fly to Disney World later this year?
It got me thinking about how our lives changed with Finley's diagnosis last summer. Every day I still find myself getting a little teary if I think about her losing her sight. I can't imagine what it is going to be like the day that it finally is gone for good. We know that day is coming, but we just don't know when. I have that white knuckled feeling all the time. We watch her all the time for changes in her vision. When she says her new favorite saying "I can't see it", I am immediately on alert. But - we are finding that, true to Finley form, she is saying it to get out of things.
God is piloting out plane right now, and I know he is in control of what is going to happen with Finley. I need to trust Him - just like I would trust Captain Sullenberger - to know what he is doing. We are putting her vision in His hands. Only he can control what the outcome is going to be. I need to trust that what will happen, is what is meant to happen, and let some of my control - or lack their of - over the situation go. I have to, or I am going to go mad.
Just like I would if I was on a plane and they told me to "brace for impact". In Finley's case - the end will be what it is. The impact of our situation is coming. I just hope we are ready.

On a lighter note. The grandparents are going to be VERY upset that I don't have more than a few pictures for this post. I neglected my camera this week.
Swimming lessons took place this morning. All went well. Finley did a sitting dive - which meant she had to get her face wet. That wasn't a huge hit, but she didn't cry. For those of you who don't know - kids with vision problems don't like to get water in their eyes. She also jumped in which I was surprised about. She seems to be liking the lessons.
Arlington was her usual maniac self in her lesson. She kicks like a wild woman. I have no idea how she swam so well when we were in Florida. Her maniac skills baffle me.
Cainan did not have to go to the pool today. I went alone, so I am sure that made him happy! He stayed home with Mat and together they worked on getting our newly forming bookcases for our playroom a little further along.
Finley had an occupational therapy screening on Thursday this past week. She will probably have it on a regular basis while she is in Kindergarten, but now that she is in a state program for the blind, a screening was needed. She had a good time - Mat took her. She did very well. The therapist told us we really need to work on her balance (duh - she is SO clumsy), and a lot of pressure and touch. That way, if she does lose her sight she will be "more aware of herself and her surroundings". It sounds good, doesn't it? Yeah - this is FINLEY was are talking about.

Two funny stories I wanted to share about Finley.
1 - Thursday Mat was home with her during the day. She had her occupational therapy appointment and then Mat worked from home. In the afternoon he called me at work to tell me that she was being silly. She had been playing in our family room and then decided she wanted to go to her room to play. She started upstairs, turned and looked at Mat and said, "call me if you need me, okay?" (in her most serious voice). Mat said she was playing in her room for awhile, then came to the top of the stairs and yelled down, "daddy - don't forget to call me if you need me, okay?"
Now - mother's everywhere are thinking "that girl is up to something" - am I right? Hint: any kid that doesn't want you to check on them and "surprise" them ---- up to something. Parenting 101. You're welcome.
So a little more time goes by, and Mat calls her downstairs. She comes down and her face is covered in her sister's makeup. Glitter and color all over her face. He should have grabbed a camera. He couldn't even get it all off she had so much on her. If you are a "Twilight" fan - he said she was "sparkling like a vampire". Nice.
2 - Arlington was doing some homework, and Finley wanted to "write" as well. So she said at the table next to her sister and wrote her name and letters all over a paper. Then she brought it to me and told me it was an "I'm sorry" note. When I asked her what it said she said "I'm sorry I pushed sissy off the chair".
At least she was sorry.
And good news! Finley has been in underwear for 2 full weeks. I didn't want to jinx it, but we FINALLY jumped the hurdle of being afraid to go in the potty. She is such a weirdo. But we have used our LAST pull ups. Can I get an AMEN?
I like this picture of the girls

Poor Cainan - I don't have any pictures of him for this post. The pictures I took didn't come out for some reason. So next time. He is doing great. He is our only kid that eats everything on his plate, uses the bathroom when he is supposed to, takes a nap, goes to bed without a problem, and plays quietly in his room each morning. I think we will keep him around.
See you Monday for "Making Meals Monday"
Jen, I hope you are able to feel the love and support from friends near and far. Love your blog. It warms my heart and makes me laugh out loud. Thank you.
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